The holidays are upon us, and while it can be the most magical time of the year… it can also be stressful.
Between work, school activities and other commitments in our day to day lives; we can lose sight of the importance of the season. When we focus on the craziness of our busy calendar, we can miss the opportunities to treasure what is truly important: family and friends.
In our spiritual walk we rely on God each and every day for our salvation (and our sanity!). Family and friends are part of the support system God puts in place for us.
Whatever is good and perfect comes down to us from God our Father, who created all the lights in the heavens. He never changes or casts a shifting shadow. – James 1:17
For so many, the Christmas season means maxing out our credit cards to get our family or friends what we think they want. Then we spend the rest of the year and into the next trying to pay off that debt, adding more stress on our shoulders. Maybe instead of things, we can think of ways to commit to show more personal expressions of our love and devotion?
Consider making more time for family by having a weekend fun night of board games, movies and pizza; bring back family traditions… or make new ones! Like coming together and serving those in need.
Serving others brings joy to our lives; a type of joy that lasts longer than the excitement of that opened present.