Helping Your Kids Discover Their Purpose

How can our kids discover their purpose at a young age? I believe there are 2 specific ways that we, as parents, can help our kids discover why they are here.

1. Help them discover the ultimate purpose.

“But I have raised you up for this very purpose, that I might show you my power and that my name might be proclaimed in all the earth” (Exodus 9:16).

Pharaoh mistakenly thought that he was in control. However, God put him in the place of being an Egyptian leader for His purpose. We all have the same choice as Pharaoh did that day… connect to the relationship God offers or try to live life in our own strength. As parents, we cannot minimize the importance of this choice. Our kids’ ultimate purpose is to be in relationship with Jesus. All other goals or plans stem from that foundational truth.

We believe that this happens incrementally. Begin to teach them about God’s love. Teach them the stories of how God responded with love and rescue. Stories like Moses, Joshua, and Joseph paint the picture that God is always with us and longs for our trust and reliance. As they get older, begin to teach them about God’s grace. For so many kids, they grow up with the misconception that when they make a mistake, God stops loving them. When Jesus died on the cross for our sins, he did it knowing that we would fail Him. He knew that we would make mistakes… and He still chose us. God’s grace outlasts even our greatest failures.

2. Help them realize that the world is bigger than what they see now.

Perspective is one of the greatest tools we can teach our kids to find. Do everything in your power to create moments and experiences for your children to discover that the world doesn’t revolve around them.  Challenge your kids to put others ahead of themselves. One idea that I love is to have your kids pick two items that they have to give away before they receive something new. If our kids only learn to be receivers, they run the risk of never breaking out of that cycle.

Imagine a life where our kids move out of our homes and begin to lead lives with God at the center. Imagine what it would look like for our kids to grow up understanding that they are part of something much greater than themselves. We can see that happen by intentionally setting the vision for our family. We simply need to lead them to their purpose!

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